Thursday, May 22, 2008

Freeman ping-pong Action

Normally I wouldn't clutter up the blog with stuff just about the group, but I couldn't resist.
Tonight we went out to a club we visited on our pub crawl, and we took Prof. Freeman with us! While we failed in our mission to get him to act anything but the perfect gentleman and consummate professional, he proved to be a master of ping-pong and managed to school me at foosball.

At this location, ping pong is played in a giant circle. If you fail to return the ball properly or miss, you are out. You get one hit each time then the next person gets to go. The circle moves around the table and gradually gets smaller and smaller. The final pair of players has a one-on-one face-off for the game.
The almost non-existent light made for some tough shooting, since all I brought was my 24-70 f/2.8, rather than a fast prime. Nevertheless, I managed to get some cool shots.
All in all, a fun night.

Andrew explaining to Prof. Freeman how the special version of ping-pong is played at this place

Freeman getting ready for some game time in the circle

Much to my surprise, he actually was one of the best players there! I believe he made it into the final 3 at least twice, and the final 4 over 3 times.

We even met some Americans while we were there. Here, Professor Freeman talks with Rachel, an American student in Berlin, while cooling off outside between games. She has been studying here since August, and attends Middlebury College in the states.

It's a hit!

1 comment:

Bridesmaidzillas said...

you didnt mention he took me and jen out twice! lol